Charleston – EAT

Charleston’s dynamic food scene abounds with options and can be pricey. In fact Charleston is a foodie hotbed, gaining national praise for inventive cuisine by local Chefs.

On a modest budget, try pub grub at Lagunitas Brewery (sadly, now closed indefinitely due to building repairs!) and quick healthy Asian at Fire Street Food .

Charleston lagunitas nachos

Screen Door kitchen and bar in James Island, is a delightfully casual, family-friendly restaurant on the way to Folly Beach. Their menu offers American favorites, southern specialties and artisan pizzas; reasonable prices and friendly service make this a worthy spot to stop.

Boiled peanuts are a local snacking favorite. Widely available, especially at roadside stands, they are cheap, tasty and often offered in different flavors.

Fresh local oysters are a treat and readily available at local markets – next visit we’ll try our hand at an oyster roast on the beach! (Not sure if that is legal… so maybe use the grill at the condo instead?!)

Read about our other Charleston adventures, here.